Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Dark Knight

***Minor Spoilers***

OMG I totally loved the movie! I've been a huge Batman fan for many years and I was so excited when they started these new ones. Batman in the movies desperately needed to be redeemed after Batman Forever and Batman and Robin... Ugh! Here are my thoughts on The Dark Knight:

Joker: When I heard Heath Ledger was going to play the Joker, I was scared. When I think of Heath, I think of A Knight's Tale. A pretty boy, almost baby faced guy who's trying to impress his girl (who really was kinda ugly and also a jerk). I heard from some friends that he was amazing as the Joker and that it really should have been called the Heath Ledger Show. When I watched it, I became a believer and abandoned all my doubts. He really was spectacular.

Lucius Fox: I talked about him in an earlier post, but I like how he's not an idiot in the movies. In the comics he's pretty much oblivious to Bruce Wayne's true identity and simply accepts his playboy exterior. In these movies he obviously knows that something is up and that Bruce is smarter than he lets on. It also strongly hints that Lucius knows Bruce's secret.

Two-Face: I liked him! One of the coolest things was his make up (how did they do it?).

This blog entry is sort of a response to my friend's entry, but be warned, he has actual spoilers.

Here is a video about the opening night that is awesome:

And a random quote:
Upon hearing that my post may have spoilers:
My husband: You've figured out a way to keep me from reading your blog.
Me: How is that different from you normally not reading my blog?

Monday, July 21, 2008

Movies: Superman Returns and Beowulf

I recently watched Superman Returns for the second time. The first time I didn't like it much, the second time I thought it was ok. The only big thing I didn't like was that Superman's hair looked like a helmet. Allow me to explain. It was so perfectly formed that it looked like some artist sculpted the whole thing from clay, painted it black, cooked it in one of those ovens, and set it gently upon Brandon Routh's scalp. Even the classic curl on his forehead was sculpted :(. It looked ridiculous. Obviously it should look neat, but this looked creepily unnatural. More alien than his superpowers O.O. This made me sad. I give Brandon Routh a 9 (he did great, especially in Christopher Reeve's shadow), and his hairdressers a -1.

I also watched Beowulf this morning. It was meh. It was all computer graphics, which I never noticed on the commercials (granted, I don't pay much attention to commercials usually). It started out good, but it went downhill quickly. The best part is near the beginning when Beowulf and his men are attacking the demon-monster-thing, Grendel, and one of them stabs it between it's legs and says, "It doesn't have a pintle!" I guess that's what it was called back then. And Wikipedia says it's current in Scottish use. Anyways, it was ok to see once.

Random Quote (I'm in Utah, remember):
The shortest distance between two points is under construction. ~Noelie Altito~

Thursday, July 17, 2008

When Law Enforcement Don't Follow the Laws

So I was running some errands yesterday when I drove past an "on ramp" to the main street that I was on. The kind that have a Yield Sign for the people merging into my lane. Well, you know how it goes. Some nut-job doesn't yield and they almost crash into you, making you change lanes or change speed, or just cut it really close. Imagine my amusement when it was my own city's parking police! I was luckily able to change lanes instead of slow down (*phew* disaster averted!), but I thought it was hilarious and let out a guffaw (I hoped he'd see my silhouette laughing at him). I've seen these people give out parking tickets and show a tow truck driver which car to tow. Apparently, moving violations are completely different. So different, in fact, that not only do they not worry about enforcing them, but they also don't worry about following them. Because everyone in Utah is a good person and will be polite and let them through, after all, they never did anything to anyone. No tickets for parking on the wrong side of the road, even if it was for 5 seconds... Maybe I should have crashed into them and sued.

Random Quote:
We are now no longer the Knights Who Say Ni. We are now the Knights Who Say... "Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG! Zoom-Boing! Z'nourrwringmm! ~The Knights-Who-Until-Recently-Said-Ni~