Thursday, July 17, 2008

When Law Enforcement Don't Follow the Laws

So I was running some errands yesterday when I drove past an "on ramp" to the main street that I was on. The kind that have a Yield Sign for the people merging into my lane. Well, you know how it goes. Some nut-job doesn't yield and they almost crash into you, making you change lanes or change speed, or just cut it really close. Imagine my amusement when it was my own city's parking police! I was luckily able to change lanes instead of slow down (*phew* disaster averted!), but I thought it was hilarious and let out a guffaw (I hoped he'd see my silhouette laughing at him). I've seen these people give out parking tickets and show a tow truck driver which car to tow. Apparently, moving violations are completely different. So different, in fact, that not only do they not worry about enforcing them, but they also don't worry about following them. Because everyone in Utah is a good person and will be polite and let them through, after all, they never did anything to anyone. No tickets for parking on the wrong side of the road, even if it was for 5 seconds... Maybe I should have crashed into them and sued.

Random Quote:
We are now no longer the Knights Who Say Ni. We are now the Knights Who Say... "Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG! Zoom-Boing! Z'nourrwringmm! ~The Knights-Who-Until-Recently-Said-Ni~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those people are just parking vigilantes I tell you. I still think they're hiding in the trees all day long waiting for someone to park the wrong direction so they can swoop down, ticket you, and fly back up into the trees to wait for more victims.

This is probably why they can't drive. They don't actually drive for their job.